
The Essential Frisbee Information

A lot of families love to play Frisbee especially if they have a park nearby in their neighborhood. It seems that many young individuals are into this craze; perhaps the reason why many individuals love this recreation is because it's fascinating in its simplicity.

Frisbee is another term for flying saucers or flying discs. Most Frisbees are made from plastic and its diameter may vary, from 8-10 inches or 20-25 centimeters. When players throw the flying discs, it will fly aerodynamically while rotating. Another player will catch it by hand. This kind of recreation can be compared to rubber ball catching but it's more fun to play.

If you try to shop around for Frisbees, you will notice that it is available in many types. Frisbees are easy to find; you can purchase them in commercial venues and even in supermarkets. For instance, you can purchase disc golf. This type of Frisbee is denser and smaller. If you play disc golf, you will need to follow a certain flight profile. Very good players of disc golf can effectively decrease or increase the stability of the disc as well as the distance.

Another very good example is the dog Frisbee. Dogs enjoy playing catch especially chasing Frisbees and because of this, a specially designed Frisbee was designed. The material used was more pliable so that the flying disc will be resistant to dog bites. It can also prevent possible dog injuries that are associated with rigid materials. There are even Frisbee dog competitions today to test the catching skills of the dog.

Aside from the disc golf and dog Frisbee, you can also find Aerobies which are ring-like discs. These discs look like the rings of Saturn and they fly beyond the range of regular Frisbees. At present, you can also find specially designed Frisbees which light up once you throw them. This kind of disc can be used at night just in case you and your friends decide to play the game at night; it is called flash-flight discs. This kind of disc is also becoming more and more popular especially among young individuals who spend most of their time near the beaches after sundown.

Frisbee is used in different games like freestyle Frisbee, ultimate Frisbee, Disc Golf, Double Disc, Durango Boot, Flutterguts, Guts Frisbee, Disc Dog, Friskee, Goalimate Schtick, Dodge Frisbee, Fricket (Cups), Fris-Nok (a traditional game), Hot Box, Speed Frisbee (similar to tennis), and Extreme Frisbee(violent and less official game). It's quite easy to know more about these exciting Frisbee games. You simply have to search any search engine and you can gather all the needed information about Frisbee.

Log on to the net and find out more about this fun recreation. Instead of allowing your kids and teens to have fun out on the streets, why not buy them a Frisbee. The game can be played in your own yard or at a nearby park. Encourage your kids to be involved in this exciting recreation. Since there are different kinds of Frisbees, make sure that you get the right one.

Shop now for Frisbees in your supermarket or in commercial stores, or you can also purchase one online. Frisbees are quite affordable and so you don't have to spend huge money just to be able to play the game. With a small amount of budget, you can already play this hot craze.


The Physics behind Frisbee

Have you ever wondered how the Frisbee flies? The answer is very simple ?it's all about Physics. The forward flight of the Frisbee is due to the air that pushes at the leading edge of the disc. The air stays over and under the flying disc.

Since the edge of the disc is tipped up, some of the air is deflected downward and when it pushes downward, the air is again pushed over the disc. The force which allows the Frisbee to fly on air is known as aerodynamic lift. You can compare the flow of the air to the flow of fluids. The air tends to follow curve surfaces. The design of the Frisbee was carefully thought. Because of the bend on the Frisbee, air is easily sucked upwards and downwards thereby making the disc stay afloat despite of the force of gravity. Another good way to describe a Frisbee on flight is the so called ernoulli Effect?

As a Frisbee player, you must be aware that you can't make a Frisbee fly when it is upside-down. The disc's rotation is also crucial. For instance, if a player throws the Frisbee upright, it will result to a poor flight. The Frisbee will simply flutter and tumble like that of a falling leaf; this is because the aerodynamic force is not perfectly centered. Because of the Frisbee's angular momentum, it can stay on a certain orientation. The flight of the disc is usually affected by the aerodynamic twists and torques.

Because of the disc's ingenious design, the maximum lift is perfectly placed at the toy's middle. The angular momentum of the disc is also maximized because of its thicker edges. The disc also has top ridges and it is not for any design purpose. The ridges introduce microscopic air turbulence above the disc's label. Because of the turbulence, the disc can fly farther and longer on air.

A lot of people are confused with the physics behind the Frisbee and so they would just rather toss and catch a Frisbee rather than think about how the toy works. It's really quite amazing that the Frisbee started as amnempty pie tin and at present, it's flight can only be explained by physics.

If someone asks you how the disc flies, you already have an idea. If you still can't get the concept of aerodynamics, you can simply answer that the Frisbee flies because of its ingenious and complex design; that way, you won't have to go down the details. Still, the aerodynamic concept and the Bernoulli Effect are not really difficult to understand. If you take time to read and comprehend, you will immediately understand how the toy works.

From just a simple toy, the Frisbee is now being played as a sport. In fact, there are many types of Frisbee games today which include Ultimate Frisbee, Flutter Guts, Friskee, Dodge Frisbee, Disc Golf, and a lot more. Because of the disc's ingenious design, it has evolved from being a simple toy to very exciting sports.

Now that you know physics behind the flight of a Frisbee, you will no longer wonder how it is able to withstand the gravity and stay on the air for a long period. Get your very own Frisbee now and play together with friends and even other family members. You can play in your own yard or even at the park.


Where the Name Frisbee Came From

A name tells a lot about a certain thing or individual. Even Frisbee has its own history and inventor. Because of the inventor, this exciting recreation became known all over the world. Oftentimes, the inventor or creator of a thing is the main focus of debates. You see, there are times when the origin of a certain thing is not known because of lack of evidence but in the case of Frisbee, its inventors were clearly identified.

The name frisbee got its name from Frisbie Baking Company. The company was located at Bridgeport Connecticut and they made excellent pies for the colleges found in New England. According to some sources, the students in the colleges played with the empty tins of the pies. It served as a form of game or sport for them and so they were the very first players of Frisbee.

Another source claimed that the name frisbee was derived from Elihu Frisbie who was an undergraduate student in Yale. Elihu used to fling tray collections from the chapel to the school grounds.

All these things happened in the 1820's and frisbee was simply coined by the college students. Until now, Frisbee is still believed to have been derived from the pie company and the name of the undergrad student. Both the student and pie company are trying to claim the Frisbee's origin.

Later on, the pie tins were replaced by plastic Frisbee versions which were designed by Warren Franscioni and Walter Frederick Morrison. The plastic Frisbees are far better than the pie tins because it can fly farther and more accurately. However, Franscioni and Morrison called it luto-platter?and it was a sure hit during their time since many people were quite interested in the UFOs. Since the basic design was saleable and hit the market by storm, it was patented and named forrison Slope?

Morrison later on sold the design to Wham-O. This was another company which manufactured hula hoops. The production started in 1957. The sales were extraordinary but after several years, Pluto-platter's sales slowed down. Wham-O wanted to restore the toy into the market and that was also the time when they found out about the story of the Frisbee. Wham-O borrowed the name and re-introduced Frisbee but this time, not as a toy but as a sport.

College students also called playing Frisbee as frisbie-ing and now it is already called Ultimate Frisbee which is very much similar to football.

So, are you still wondering where the name frisbee came from? One can't exactly tell where Frisbee came from but for now, all the individuals and companies mentioned earlier are all responsible for the creation of Frisbee. The recreation sport will not be popular in today's times without their contributed efforts. To sum it all up, the name frisbee came from Frisbie Baking Company, Elihu Frisbie, the college students who played with the pie tins and coined the word frisbei-ing Warren Franscioni, Walter Frederick Morrison, and Wham-O.

If one of them is missing, Frisbee wouldn't be recognized as a recreational sport today. Thanks to these individuals and companies, people today can play a very exciting and fun sport like Frisbee. Purchase your Frisbee now and enjoy playing it with your family and friends. It is surely a fun way to keep your body fit and to use your extra energy.


Why Play Ultimate Frisbee?

Many youths are interested in playing Ultimate Frisbee. Anyone can throw a flying disc but if you try to watch some players, you will be able to see that they can do it with precision and smoothness. In fact, they can make accurate throws even at a distance. So why play Ultimate Frisbee?

Before you even consider playing Ultimate Frisbee, you must know what the game is all about. This type of Frisbee game is classified among the non-contact sports. Players are required to have the right skills in throwing and catching flying discs, as well as maximum athleticism. You can't just throw the disc into the air because you should also analyze your movement and throws. All throughout the game, players will usually run, jog, or walk and so you need to have the energy to finish the game. Teamwork is also essential to win the game. You should be able to work with your teammates in a very effective way so that you can reach your team's end-zone. You have to be ready with the attacks of your opponents because they will try to intercept or block your throws.

People have different reasons for playing Ultimate Frisbee but some of the most common reasons are as follows:

- For fun ?anyone can play Ultimate Frisbee, regardless of age and sex; it does not involve any risks for serious injuries because the game doesn't involve physical contact. All throughout a game, you will be able to witness layout catches and beautiful throws. You can play this game with your friends to have fun. In Ultimate Frisbee, there is no arbitrator or referee.

The players call the violations and fouls and if there is any dispute or problem, they will settle it among themselves. Honesty is very important, as well as sportsmanship. Players should also know all the rules of the game so that they can call violations or fouls at any time, when needed.

- Getting in shape ?playing Ultimate Frisbee is also one way to get into the right shape. Many individuals today live a sedentary lifestyle and so they become more prone to certain health conditions. If you want to have fun and live a more active life, try to join Ultimate Frisbee games. You don't need to have cool uniforms and very expensive Frisbees just to play the game.

You can also play the game anywhere, preferably in an open field or in other spacious areas. During the game, you will run, walk, jump, and jog without really knowing that you are already doing some kind of body exercise. After several months of regular playing, you will notice that your leg muscles are more defined and you already possess muscular endurance and excellent cardio-respiratory health.

So you see, aside from being a fun sport, Ultimate Frisbee will also be able to improve your physical health and well being. You will develop positive traits that you can carry as you grow older. Getting into shape is very important these days since the world is plagued with so many illnesses or disease but there are those who find regular exercises very boring.

But with Frisbee, you will not get bored at all because you are having a great time with your friends. You will even have a chance to know the kids and teens in your neighborhood with the same interests.


Who Invented Frisbee?

Who invented Frisbee? Many inventions only have one or two inventors but in the case of Frisbee, there are many claims or stories behind its invention. Today's Frisbee evolved from Frisbie Baking Company's pie tins. Some say that college students in New England played with the empty pie tins by tossing and catching it. For a clearer history of Frisbee, here are some of the highlights.

1820 ?There was an undergrad Yale student named Elihu Frisbie who played with tray collections by tossing them around the campus. According to some people, frisbee?was coined from Elihu's last name; the ie?of Frisbie was changed to ie?and became Frisbee. Although this was the most approved claim, it still met lots of protest.

1871-1958 ?as mentioned earlier, Frisbee was also believed to have originated from Frisbie Baking Company. The name of this company was engraved on the pie tins they delivered to the campuses of New England. Frisbee is then derived from the name of the pie company. Many college students loved the pies and after they consume the pies, they play with the empty tins by tossing and catching them. Many students found the game very funny and exciting and so it became very popular in many campuses in New England.

1948 ?Two of the fans of the ie tins?made a plastic version and they called it Pluto-platter. It was sold as a toy in the market and it gained a lot of sales since UFOs were also quite popular that time. The persons responsible for creating the plastic version of the Frisbee were Warren Franscioni and Walter Frederick Morrison. However, Franscioni left and it was only Morrison who pursued the project. Many people thought that the Pluto-platter was far better than the pie tins and so they patronized it. Besides, the new toy flew higher than the pie tins and it exhibited speed and accuracy. Soon, Morrison had his toy patented and named it the forrison Slope?

1955 ?A hula hoop manufacturer, Wham-O, convinced Morrison to sell his design and rights to the toy.

1957 ?By this year, Wham-O started to produce the Pluto-platter

1958 ?The pie company, Frisbie Baking Company, closed or shut down; in the same year, Morrison was able to collect millions of dollars for his design

1964 ?The sales of the Pluto-platter went down and so Wham-O decided to rename it and then re-introduce it to the market as a new toy. The company found out about the story of the Frisbee and so they decided to introduce the toy as a new sports game and called it frisbei-ing? The players of the game called it Frisbee.

At present, there are already different kinds of Frisbee and Ultimate Frisbee is just one of them. Ultimate Frisbee came from frisbei-ing?

So you see, Frisbee has undergone a lot of changes and modifications. There is no specific inventor of the game or sport because it was created through the joint efforts of various individuals and companies. The years 1820 to 1964 are quite significant because it is within these years when Frisbee was being conceptualized.

Frisbee is a very exciting game and it helps to know who created or invented it. The game will not exist today if one of the companies or individuals is missing. Thanks to their joint efforts, people today have a healthy and challenging sport to play.
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